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英語・問題冊子 過去の入試結果・入試問題 | 東京都市大学付属中学校・高等学校


Academic year: 2018

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2017年度 入学試験問題

英 語




2.解答用紙は、問題冊子の中にはさんであります。試験開始の合図があったら、 解答用紙を取り出して受験番号と氏名を記入しなさい。

3.解答はすべて解答用紙に記入しなさい。 4.問題冊子の余白等は自由に使って構いません。



次のA、B二人の会話が成立するように( )内に入る最も適切な語を次のページ の語群から選んで書きなさい。ただし、必要があれば正しい形に直しなさい。(注:空所に は1語のみ入ります。また、必ずそれぞれ1度ずつ使います。)


A:Let me something on the piano for you, Sarah. Do you have any requests?

B:Yes. Please play “Yesterday Once More.”


A:Emi, did you go to Professor Tanaka’s biology lecture yesterday?

B:Yes. I a lot.


A:Excuse me. Do you have this sweater in red?

B:I’m sorry, ma’am, but the red ones are out. We only have blue ones left.


A:I’d like to meet Ms. Ronald tomorrow afternoon, please.

B:I’m sorry. Ms. Ronald will be on a business trip tomorrow morning.


A:I wonder if Mom will us to go to the movies tonight.

B:I don’t think that’s very likely. She’s still angry with us for breaking the lamp in the living room.


A:What did the doctor tell you, Mom?

B:He said I should some weight. He told me to go on a diet.


A:Kate, there’s a woman over there to you.

B:Oh! That’s Mrs. Yamada from my office. Let’s go and talk to her.



A:Can you show me how to use your digital camera?

B:Sure. It’s easy. All you have to do is at the screen and press the button.


A:I think we’re lost, Jim.

B:Maybe I can out where we are with a map.


A:Helen, I want to make a cake for my mother’s birthday, but I’m not very good at .

B:Don’t worry, Nancy. I’ll help you.


look sell leave allow bake learn figure play wave lose


次の英文が意味の通る文章になるように( )内の語句を並べかえたとき、2番目



問l A:The weather is going to be sunny tomorrow. What do you want to do?

B:(!go"why#don’t$on%wea picnic? We could make some sandwiches and

a salad to take with us.

#! #$ $! "#

問2 A:I can’t decide where to go for my summer vacation. Hawaii, Guam, and Hong Kong all look

so nice.

B:I’ve been to all those places, and they’re all great.!go"place#whichever$you

%decide toto, I’m sure you’ll have a good time.

#% !$ "% "#

問3 A:How was the tennis tournament? Did you win?

B:Actually, I!couldn’t "in#it$take%part. I got sick and had to stay at home.

#$ !$ #" $"

問4 A:Jim, I don’t really want to go to that expensive Italian restaurant on Saturday.!short

"of #money$this%I’mmonth.

B:I see. Well, let’s go to the noodle shop instead. It’s cheap.

#% %! #" !#

問5 A:I love strawberry cookies. When I go to the supermarket,!I "can’t #buying

$them %help.

B:Yeah, I have the same problem. I wish l could stop.

#% "# %! %"

問6 A:Excuse me. This!scarf"is#pink$three times%as expensive asthat red one.

Can you tell me why? They don’t look so different to me.

B:The pink one is 100-percent silk, ma’am. The red one is cotton.

#! #$ !$ "#


問7 When Mike arrived at work this morning, the elevator in the!of"building#order$out

%was. He had to use the stairs.

#% !$ %! "#

問8 Yoko went to see a movie last night. It!was "her #based$on %favoritenovel. She enjoyed the movie very much, and now she wants to read the novel again.

#$ !$ #" !"

問9 Yesterday, Jennifer had dinner in a restaurant at the top of a tall building.!a table"asked

#by$she %forthe window so that she could enioy the view of the city.

#% %! #" "!

問10 Sam is very popular. Everyone likes him a lot because!he always "his #friends

$stands%bywhen they need help.

$" %! #" !"


次のEメールを読み、その内容に合うものを1∼6の中から2つ選び、その番号を書き なさい。

From : Jessica So <j-so@oestergreatriver.com>

To : Volkmar Rotschi <volkmarrotschi@simstandard.com> Date : October 10, 2016

Subject : Book signing event

Dear Mr. Rotschi,

I am the manager of Oester Books, a bookstore in Great River. For the last six months, your bookFire Kinghas been one of the most popular novels for teenagers at our store. Some students from Great River High School asked me to invite you to visit us. Would you be able to come and sign books at our store? I know that you were born in Great River and lived here until you were 18. Everyone in the town is very happy that someone from here has become such a famous author. My parents own Lenny’s Restaurant, and my father still remembers that you always ordered pancakes when you ate there with your family. The best time for you to come would probably be at the end of November or in the first half of December. The store would probably be a little too crowded to hold an event on the weekend, but we are open until 8 p.m. every day. Perhaps you could come one weekday evening. I’m sure many people would want to give a signed copy ofFire Kingto a friend or family member as a Christmas present.

Yours sincerely, Jessica So Oester Books


1.Jessica So is the popular author in Great River.

2.Mr. Rotschi is asked to visit Oester Books to write a book for teenagers.

3.Jessica So says that Mr. Rotschi used to eat at her parents’ restaurant.

4.Jessica So will ask customers to stay at the event until 8 p.m.

5.Jessica So thinks that it would be a good idea to have the session on a weekday evening.

6.Mr. Rotschi is invited to a Christmas party to sign books.




問1 ( )内に入る語の組み合わせとして最も適切なものを以下から選び、記号で答えな

さい。 (1)!"

! bar" sweet ! drink" sweet

! bar" bitter ! drink" bitter


# As a result, $ But # Moreover,$ In other words,

# But$ As a result, # In other words,$ Moreover,

問2 ( % )と( & )に入る語を書きなさい。ただし、%s&fで始まる語とする。


問3 以下の文の中から、本文の内容に合うものを1つ選びなさい。

In Mayan civilization, only rich people could drink chocolate drink.

In Mayan civilization, even ordinary people could eat chocolate bars.

They could buy chocolate bars in Europe in the 17th century.

We have enjoyed eating sweet chocolate bars since the middle of the 19th century.




問1 下線部!を日本語に直しなさい。ただしthis dreamの内容を明らかにすること。

問2 下線部"を日本語に直しなさい。

問3 次の(1)∼(3)の文を完成させるのに最も適切なもの、または質問に対して最も適切 なものを1∼4の中から1つ選びなさい。

(1)Why were canals used less in the 19th century?

They were interfered with garbage from houses.

Railways began to be used to transport heavy items.

There were no cafes for sailors to stop at.

Nobody wanted to stay in the apartments along the river.


(2)What is one difficulty of owning a houseboat?

Most moorings are being used by car owners.

It can take a long time to get a place to tie it up.

It takes several years to learn how to repair one.

Few houseboats have enough space to park a car on.

(3)People who live on houseboats

get on a waiting list for new cars every year.

say it is easier to check a houseboat for damage than a car.

enjoy working at fashionable shops along the river.

must be careful to keep their boats in good condition.



話題提供者: 河﨑佳子 神戸大学大学院 人間発達環境学研究科 話題提供者: 酒井邦嘉# 東京大学大学院 総合文化研究科 話題提供者: 武居渡 金沢大学

令和4年3月8日(火) 9:00 ~ 9:50 10:10 ~ 11:00 11:20 ~ 12:10 国  語 理  科 英  語 令和4年3月9日(水) 9:00 ~ 9:50 10:10 ~

○現場実習生受け入れ 南幌養護学校中学部3年 3名 夕張高等養護学校中学部3年 1名